Beacon of Neyda Dev Diary #6

It’s me Mari… I say Christian and as I anticipated in the previous dev diary we have returned to work more energetically in the game and I come to tell you a little about this.


Neyda world

“When the Artificial Intelligences tasked with terraforming the desert world of Neyda rebelled against their creators, the world’s settlers were forced into war with the machines. With all communications destroyed, the people of Neyda fought alone to reclaim their world.

Decades later, the survivors of the war continue the fight against the last robots, still infected by the AI’s orders of destruction. Meanwhile, something new may be awakening in the sands of Neyda…”

With this basic premise we advance in the creation of the world and its places, what scenarios the player can visit and what secrets to discover… from the outer zone of the capital city, its industrial zone, its commercial districts in the interior to the mega beacon structure.

As you can see, the sketches are already underway and we have many plans of what we want to achieve with each new scenario.


Development Status

First of all, if you follow us in our Discord community, you have found out that our game is to be added to wishlist on new distribution platforms and if you had not found out, what are you waiting for to join our Discord community?

Secondly we have started to work on solving certain issues that we found in the gameplay, some things that simply did not work in the tests we carried out, for example the interface to build, something that many of the players found confusing in its initial use.

We add more details to reach an alpha with a playable demo but we still need to improve the flow of the game.

Possible kickstarter???

Despite working on the game again, our financing situation is still insecure and we are seriously considering the possibility of a kickstarter to solve the lack of resources and once again restore attention to our game. It is something that we will surely discuss during the next dev diary.

We also plan to start a small closed test of the demo during the next month, from Steam we have lists of keys to give out… so stay tuned for news in our Discord community

And that’s all for this month.

Follow us in our Discord community for news and development progress.