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Last blog of 2022

2022 has been a particular year for our studio, a year of new projects and joys but also of challenges and a lot of work. During this year we haven’t been very active on the web blog, but even so we have created a couple of post summarizing and explaining our state during this year, making our games and our objectives known.

“A lot of work”, that’s how our year started, with a focus on the production of own original games. Which luckily have been received very well, Beacon of Neyda winning awards at various events and Tracks ‘N Turrets proving to be a crowd pleaser idea.

Both projects continue their development, but these weren’t the only joys we had in the year, at the same time that we increased our activity on the social networks, notes about our games or our studio have slowly emerged, both in local and international media, something that fills us with pride and joy.

Among the new challenges we faced was participating in face-to-face events again, although we started slowly, in a matter of a few months we were already present in various places in the country and also at international events.

Other challenges that 2022 brought, being one of our main concerns, was adapting our way of working and business approach as a studio, moving to the production of original games, it is not easy and there are many risks.

One of those risks was plagiarism, during the month of November we had to fight against a scam attempt on the Kickstarter platform through a project that used our art to seek financing.

Luckily, even though we have a small community, it’s great and they let us know what was going on and we were able to act quickly and get that project shut down.

This has been an extremely short summary of our year, do not forget if you want to know more, you can follow us on our social networks or join our Discord server.

Happy holidays and see you in 2023!

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