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EXPRESS NEWS 02 – Global Game Jam 2017

During this beginning of the year after taking a few days we participated in an event called Global Game Jam.

For those who do not know what this event is about we will explain it briefly. A game jam is a challenge where in a certain time (12hs – 48hrs- more or lees) the participants have to create a videogame (or at least a functional prototype) ) If the time in itself was not already a limitation each event has a specific theme with which the participants have to develop their project around this theme.

The Global Game Jam as its name suggests is made globally with hundreds of venues in more than a hundred countries. Our group was represented by Molina Christian and Ietri Gonzalo in the Argentine headquarters of Santa Fe FICH – UNL. They worked for 48 hours to create a game prototype with the name of Deep Echo a game of the genre of platforms where sound is used to discover the terrain obstacles and enemies which react to it and pursue the player.

The game was created with the Construct 2 software and the art of it was created by the two representatives. It was a unique experience and to be our first event the result was quite good and we were all satisfied with it. We share the link so you can try the game. Deep Echo

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