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Beacon of Neyda Dev Diary #2

Hi again! Christian here and I have a few things for you today. First a state of how the development of the game comes along and second our new enemy.


Development Status

We are still working on a demo that will showcase all the gameplay and early game elements. Being a game with a focus on strategy it is difficult to reduce all aspects of the design to create a reduced experience for the demo when in reality we are looking to create a game with an extended duration. But we have made it.

We are currently making final adjustments before doing some closed testing (You may have a chance to participate if you are in our Discord community), if the feedback is good, we will adapt the demo for a possible Steam release of the demo… but I can’t share any date for the moment.


A new threat arises

We have defined several enemy roles and so far we only had two enemies implemented in the demo that did not differ much, just one had a little more life and attack power. We needed to give a little more variety in the demo by generating new hazards. So a new enemy was born. Known internally as “el patas” or “the legs” in English.

A distinctive enemy that has a mid-range attack with a lot of damage power but doesn’t have as much health. Which makes him an enemy to prioritize if he can be found alone.

As you will see in the first image we had many sketches and proposals from our artist and we reached a point where we are all happy with the new enemy.


Here is the new enemy for the demo and that’s all for this month

Follow us in our Discord community for news and development progress.

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