DevBlog 03 “Update and first game”

A couple of months have passed since our last devblog publication but there is a good reason for this. The work does not give us a break and our experiment is not just a simple publication.
With new acquired knowledge and a little more experience we are dedicated to revaluing our little game …

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DevBlog 02 “Many roads and detours”

As time passes, more than a month ago it was our last update, now in this new DevBlog, I’ll tell you a little work experience and adaptation.
As with any project, it is easy to imagined, and although we knew which was our goal, during the planning and implementation, were opened different paths before us, one of them led to this future mobile game.

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DevBlog 01 “The beginning”

Well this is the first entry of what will be the Devblog, really venture into this new medium (video games) fills us with excitement, new challenges will find ?, do not know, but we are ready to face them as each new project we work.

This is a personal project so progress will be as give us time, between jobs, much remains to be defined, but we are taking our first steps and we want to share.

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